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Translating a memoir by Kodo Nishimura

Covers of Kodo Nishimura's books in English and in Japanese

There are everyday translation projects, unusual translation projects, and unique translation projects. Translating a memoir by Kodo Nishimura definitely fell into the last category.

Kodo is a Pure Land school Buddhist monk, a make-up artist and LGBTQ’ activist who identifies as non-binary. He is also a successful writer, having recently published a Japanese memoir – the work I was lucky enough to translate into English.

This wasn’t the first memoir I’ve translated, and I’ve learned to try and get a feel for the “voice” of the writer. Kodo has a distinctive voice in Japanese, candid and warm, so I did my best to convey that in English.

One thing I didn’t have any control over was the title of the book. In Japanese, it was called 正々堂々… which my dictionary rather clumsily translates as “open and aboveboard”. I suggested something like “true and proud”, a nod to the LGBTQ’ pride that Kodo writes about in his remarkable book.

But the publishing company cleverly went for the striking “This Monk Wears Heels – Be Who You Are”. That subtitle, “Be who you are”, is a central theme of Kodo’s book. He shares how difficult it was to be himself growing up in Japan and the painful process of achieving self-acceptance.

This Monk Wears Heels

This Monk Wears Heels was published by Watkins Media in London, and Kodo came to the UK for the launch. He even held a series of events at the Pantechnicon in Knightsbridge. That was the first time I got to meet Kodo and I reported on one event for the website.

Kodo Nishimura at the Pantechnicon
Kodo Nishimura speaking at the Pantechnicon in London, March 2022

What next for Kodo Nishimura? I have heard that his memoir is being translated into many other languages. And I know he is busy working to raise awareness among Buddhists of the issues facing LGBTQ’ people. I’ll be keeping an eye out for his next adventure!